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1 day with the horses

Spend a day at the ranch cleaning up and letting go. Immerse yourself in the world of horses and leave the outside world behind you. Together with Claudia you will not only clear out your head, but also the horses in the stable. No cell phone, no distractions – just you and the horses. Book your day now because places are limited!


Are you looking for your true purpose? Do you feel like there's more out there for you than you've experienced so far? If so, then you have come to the right place with Claudia and her horses.
Claudia is an experienced expert who can help you answer all the questions that have been on your mind. She will engage with you with all her senses and work with you to develop your true purpose and vision.

A day with Claudia and her horses at the Natural Leadership Training will make you feel like a new person. You will give yourself time to bring clarity and joy into your life.
So treat yourself to this day just for you and let Claudia and her horses take you on a transformative journey. Discover who you really are and find your true purpose.

It's time to unleash your full potential and live a fulfilling life.

Who is Ranch Day for?


Female entrepreneurs – communication training – perception training – developing a vision.


Leadership training -You will become a leader of the new era – learn to lead authentically for your team


Start-ups – what is your why? Setting up a business concept – I am self-employed and now what?


Couples – shared vision – communication training. Establish a love relationship, find clarity.


People in search of meaning – I have achieved everything, what now? Find your vision/mission.

1 day just for you: Fine catering is provided - Hotels nearby:

To ensure that your ranch day is a complete success and that you get everything you want, it is important for me to speak to you personally. In a 30-minute consultation, you will learn everything about the content, options, variations and investments.

That's what customers say

"The vision day was a journey to myself. I learned a lot about myself and was able to go home clear and happy. Thank you to your 4 horses and to you. Thank you for this experience"

Daniela Ehrsam-Tosi, Director Clinical Advocacy – Switzerland 

Why horses as trainers?

The horse as a coach and trainer gives honest feedback on several levels. The horse reacts precisely to the body language of its counterpart. Horses are not impressed by our appearance or our status - they recognize who we really are. They are the best mirrors of us humans, they perceive our inner being and recognize what is hidden deep within us. Coaching with the horse is sustainable for body, mind and soul. It works even if you have never had anything to do with horses before.

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